

Castor Oil Pack Treatment + Acupressure with Essential Oils

Castor Oil Packs are a relaxing and effective treatment for endometriosis, bringing warmth and blood flow to your uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Castor Oil Packs have the ability to shift ‘stuck’ blood, soften and dissolve scar tissue, break up masses and cysts, aid in digestion and constipation, as well as detoxify.

Acupressure with essential oils is a combination of two therapies that can assist in the healing and relief of endometriosis. Using acupuncture meridians on the body, the application of gentle but firm pressure and movement with essential oils is applied to certain points to target blockages caused by endometriosis.

Essential oils are a powerful healing parter to acupressure, and when applied to body points they aid in relieving endometriosis pain and calm the nervous system. 

Castor Oil Packs are wonderful to reduce endometriosis cramping, clotty periods, scar tissue and cysts. The Ricinoleic Acid within the castor oil is able to penetrate the skin (up to 4 inches) and soften masses and blockages, increasing blood flow so that the body is able to flush out obstructions and adhesions.

Regular castor oil packs can make a noticeable difference to your endometriosis symptoms and are best applied any day outside of your period. If you are trying to conceive, they are best applied over your uterus any day from end of menstruation up to ovulation. They can then be applied over the liver from ovulation to the beginning of your next cycle.

Acupressure provides connection to your own body-energy to make transformative changes without the use of needles. In conjunction with acupressure, the essential oils consist of the concentrated plant essense that works in harmony with our hormonal system to deliver aid where the body is in need.

Each 60 minute treatment includes a brief consultation, explanation of how the castor oil pack, pressure points and oils can aid endometriosis, castor oil application with warming pack, acupressure and essential oil treatment, aromatherapy, warming tea.


Also a beautiful treatment when used in combination with the Yoni Steam Therapy (90 mins).


Womb Hara Massage Treatment

Abdominal massage is carried out in many cultures and is valued for its health benefits everywhere it is practiced. The “hara”, or the belly, is viewed as the center of the energy body in many ancient traditions such as the Chinese, Indian and Mayan.

This gentle and soothing abdominal womb massage is especially beneficial for women with endometriosis as it helps to loosen adhesions and scar tissue. The gentle manipulation of your abdomen and womb area will increases blood flow to the uterus and ovaries which increases nutrient and oxygen-rich blood to the tissues.

The womb hara massage improves lymphatic flow and aligns the uterus, opening up blood channels and allowing the fresh blood flow to wash away waste ‘build up’ between tissues which may be causing you cramping and spasms.

The massage also works to relieve stress, nervous tension and connect you once again with your womb, whilst reducing your pain, allowing you to rest, repair and heal.

Endometriosis often causes us to feel disappointed and disconnected emotionally with the pelvic region of our bodies, and the womb hara massage brings a focus of love, attention and healing intent back to our hara.

In my practice offering Abdominal Massage for endometriosis, I have seen a significant reduction of pain in clients that committed to a regular series of treatments. Ideally 2-3 sessions a month for a  minimum of a 3 month period.

Each 3 hour treatment includes a brief consultation, massage treatment of sacrum, back, hara, chest and womb with essential oils, ginger/salt moxabustion, warming pack, rebozo wrap, warming tea.


Also a beautiful treatment when used in combination with the Yoni Steam Therapy (3 hours - ginger moxa is removed from main massage).


Yoni Steaming Treatment

Pelvic Steaming (also known as Vaginal Steaming or Sauna, V-Steam, Yoni Steam or Peristeam) is an ancient therapy for women rooted in history across many cultures.

This non-invasive, gentle therapy involves comfortably sitting over steam infused with herbs specifically formulated for endometriosis so that it permeates the pores, soft tissues and nooks of the pelvic region. This is done by using a small sauna seat designed specifically for the purpose, and then wrapping you in a cosy blanket at the waist to create a tent of therapeautic rising warmth.

Vaginal steams are cleansing, relaxing, nourishing and rejuvenating and are incredible for women with endometriosis to cleanse and shift stuck blood and provide nourishment to the vaginal walls. The amazing benefits for women with endometriosis include reduced pain with monthly cycles and sex, heightened fertility and libido, a cleansing of old blood, a higher state of relaxation and positivity and a greater connection with their physical/spiritual/emotional selves.

Many women have reported it to be ‘like a facial for my yoni!’ but it is so much more than that.

Each 40 minute treatment includes a brief consultation, an introduction to the steam and herbs and how they will help, vaginal steam sauna with herbs, affirmation meditation, warming tea.


Also a beautiful treatment when used in combination with the Castor Oil Pack Treatment

(90 mins).
